TOPIC: GO FORWARD. TEXT: EXODUS 14:10 -17.POSTED: JANUARY 31, 2019 . BY: JACOBS R. CHARLES MAIN VERSE: EXOD.14:15. (NIV). ”Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on”.
MESSAGE:Two-thirds of God is Go. Irrespective of the passing situation and condition it is expedient to go forward as God has commanded. Ordinary, to be promoted from Class 1 to Class 2, you need to pass qualifying tests, exams, quizzes and so on. So it is in the spiritual realm. If you failed your qualifying tests, exams, quizzes etc, do not think of promotion and do not blame God.
Other words used for go forward are: Get Moving, Move On, Set Out, Press On and so on. Notice that go forward is a command and not an advice. Just as the hand of the clock ticks, you are designed and commanded to go forward and upward in all your endeavours.
When you are commanded to go forward, some things are essential f or you to be done, as well as what God will do on His own side. It is a form of Partnership. Moses lifted up the rod and stretched out his hand over the Red Sea to be divided, so that the Israelites can cross the Red Sea to the dry ground. Exod.14:15-16. God will lift you up above challenges and obstacles in Jesus Name. Amen.
When the battle is tense you are mandated to go forward. Abraham and his 318 men rescued his relative Lot and his possession, together with the women and other people. Gen.14:15-16. Beloved, in such a time as this, Nigeria and Nigerians must go forward to the Promised Land just as the Israelites were commanded to go forward in the wilderness to Cannan Land. Exod.14: 15-16. You will possess your possession too in Jesus Name. Amen.
In the time of distress and challenge of life, career and ministry, you must go forward. For example, the Shunnamite Woman with her dead son at home pressed on to Elisha for God’s divine help at Mt. Carmel. 2Kgs.4:24. You must determine to be of help to others just as Elisha did to the Shunnamite Woman. Possessing your possession means pressing forward to the high mark of excellence.
In the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ necessity is placed on Christ Disciples to witness about Jesus Christ. Disciples are not expected to seat on the reserved bench of witnessing. You are to go forward witnessing to your neighbours, nuclear and extended families among others. Matt.28:18-19. Job 23:8-10.
Assuredly and scripture wise, you are NOT permitted to go forward in anything contrary to God’s command, decree , statue and Word. For example, do not go forward in besetting sin, for the wages or salary of sin is death. Rom.3:23 & 26. Again and again, do not go forward in debt of words of promise or money. Why? For example, the borrower is a servant to the lender. Prov.23:7. More importantly, you must not go back to the world. It is like a dog eating it’s vomit. It kills speedily. Sin is a sinker and Satan Identification Number.
In conclusion, the access way to go forward is Jesus Christ. Why? Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Joh.14:6. As you have determined to go forward today and now, be assured that the white flag with the written word: SHALOM awaits you in this new month and beyond in Jesus Name. Amen.
PRAY THESE PRAYERS:1. Heavenly Father: Give me the grace to go forward in every area of my life.2. My Father, my Father: Help the righteous to press on to the high mark of excellence. 3. Living God: Turn the battles of Leah Shuaib to victory today.4. Ancient of Days: Take Nigeria and Nigerians to our Promised Land.
THOUGHTS & REFLECTIONS:1. There is no movement of the clock without ticking.2. No matter how little it is, you must endeavour to go forward.
WEEKEND BIBLE READING:1. Genesis 14:14-16. 2. 2Kings 4:20 – 26.3. Matthew 28:18 – 20.4. Job 23:8 – 10.5. Romans 3:23 – 26.6. John 14:5 – 10.
HYMN:| Move On Move On | Don’t Be Tired | |My Saviour Understands | It Shall Be Well | -2X | It Is Well With Me |
TEXT: EXODUS 14:10 -17.POSTED: JANUARY 31, 2019 . BY: JACOBS R. CHARLES MAIN VERSE: EXOD.14:15. (NIV). ”Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on”.
MESSAGE:Two-thirds of God is Go. Irrespective of the passing situation and condition it is expedient to go forward as God has commanded. Ordinary, to be promoted from Class 1 to Class 2, you need to pass qualifying tests, exams, quizzes and so on. So it is in the spiritual realm. If you failed your qualifying tests, exams, quizzes etc, do not think of promotion and do not blame God.
Other words used for go forward are: Get Moving, Move On, Set Out, Press On and so on. Notice that go forward is a command and not an advice. Just as the hand of the clock ticks, you are designed and commanded to go forward and upward in all your endeavours.
When you are commanded to go forward, some things are essential f or you to be done, as well as what God will do on His own side. It is a form of Partnership. Moses lifted up the rod and stretched out his hand over the Red Sea to be divided, so that the Israelites can cross the Red Sea to the dry ground. Exod.14:15-16. God will lift you up above challenges and obstacles in Jesus Name. Amen.
When the battle is tense you are mandated to go forward. Abraham and his 318 men rescued his relative Lot and his possession, together with the women and other people. Gen.14:15-16. Beloved, in such a time as this, Nigeria and Nigerians must go forward to the Promised Land just as the Israelites were commanded to go forward in the wilderness to Cannan Land. Exod.14: 15-16. You will possess your possession too in Jesus Name. Amen.
In the time of distress and challenge of life, career and ministry, you must go forward. For example, the Shunnamite Woman with her dead son at home pressed on to Elisha for God’s divine help at Mt. Carmel. 2Kgs.4:24. You must determine to be of help to others just as Elisha did to the Shunnamite Woman. Possessing your possession means pressing forward to the high mark of excellence.
In the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ necessity is placed on Christ Disciples to witness about Jesus Christ. Disciples are not expected to seat on the reserved bench of witnessing. You are to go forward witnessing to your neighbours, nuclear and extended families among others. Matt.28:18-19. Job 23:8-10.
Assuredly and scripture wise, you are NOT permitted to go forward in anything contrary to God’s command, decree , statue and Word. For example, do not go forward in besetting sin, for the wages or salary of sin is death. Rom.3:23 & 26. Again and again, do not go forward in debt of words of promise or money. Why? For example, the borrower is a servant to the lender. Prov.23:7. More importantly, you must not go back to the world. It is like a dog eating it’s vomit. It kills speedily. Sin is a sinker and Satan Identification Number.
In conclusion, the access way to go forward is Jesus Christ. Why? Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Joh.14:6. As you have determined to go forward today and now, be assured that the white flag with the written word: SHALOM awaits you in this new month and beyond in Jesus Name. Amen.
PRAY THESE PRAYERS:1. Heavenly Father: Give me the grace to go forward in every area of my life.2. My Father, my Father: Help the righteous to press on to the high mark of excellence. 3. Living God: Turn the battles of Leah Shuaib to victory today.4. Ancient of Days: Take Nigeria and Nigerians to our Promised Land.
THOUGHTS & REFLECTIONS:1. There is no movement of the clock without ticking.2. No matter how little it is, you must endeavour to go forward.
WEEKEND BIBLE READING:1. Genesis 14:14-16. 2. 2Kings 4:20 – 26.3. Matthew 28:18 – 20.4. Job 23:8 – 10.5. Romans 3:23 – 26.6. John 14:5 – 10.
HYMN:| Move On Move On | Don’t Be Tired | |My Saviour Understands | It Shall Be Well | -2X | It Is Well With Me |
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