Year 2024: Unlimited Grace.
Watchword: The Grace of the Lord Jesus Be With God's People. Amen.
Anchor Bible Text: Revelation 22:21 NIV
1. The Almighty God double perfect wisdom, power, authority, might and strength shall manifest around the world.
2. True Churches and Ministries around the world shall thrive on divine unity, peace, harmony, stability, progress and shine as pure gold declares the LORD God.
3. The Almighty God imminent mystery of unity of judgments and rewards shall be witnessed in Africa, Middle East and Europe in particular.
4. God Almighty shall use local, national and international corrupt leaders to achieve His divine plan and purpose especially for the righteous.
5. The Almighty God divine mercy, help and blessings shall flow ceaseless through ferment prayer altar, sacrificial giving and faithful service.
6. Spiritual, economic and political rebellion of past years shall come around to hunt and hurt the doer and conspirator declares the LORD God.
7. Unprecedented positive great transformation with 360 degrees turning point and new glory await individual, family, church, organization and nation declares the Almighty God.
8. Dry bones shall rise again as the setbacks of many years shall turn to comebacks, new name and enlargement of coast for individual, family, church, organization, state and nation declares the Almighty God.
9. Artificial Intelligence & Space Technologies, Robotic Agriculture & Engineering Softwares Applications shall influence the educational, medical, political and socio-economic activities around the world says the LORD God.
10. A brief economic and political war in the Middle East between Israel and Iran. Israel shall be victorious says the Almighty God.
11. Disasters and pandemics due to the Acts of God shall be reduced considerably across Europe, Asia and North America declares the Almighty God.
12. Renewable Energy Sources shall swept around the world to reduce climate change and environmental challenges declares the LORD God.
Charles R. Jacobs
Senior Pastor, CRA.
December 30, 2023.